Md Ahsan Ullah and Dr Syed Ferhat Anwar have joined the board of Meghna Bank Limited as independent directors.
To this end, Meghna Bank issued a press release on Thursday.
During 35-year long career in the central bank, economist and banker Md Ahsan Ullah worked in different departments with reputation.
Ahsan Ullah has expertise in formation of long term project financing, foreign exchange policy, strategic policy and so on.
Presently he is engaged in East West University as a faculty of business and economics.
Specialist in marketing, Dr Syed Ferhat Anwar is well-known as certified management consultant.
He has also 33 years of experience at IBA in Dhaka University. Presently, he is the director of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA). He is also an elected member of board of governors of IBA.
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
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