A journalist was beaten up after being tied to a tree in Sunamganj’s Tahirpur on Monday for photographing illegal sand lifting from the Jadukata River.
The journalist, Kamal Hossain, is the upazila correspondent of Dainik Shangbad and Dainik Shubho Pratidin.
He is undergoing treatment at the Tahirpur Upazila Health complex now.
“Illegal sand and stone lifting from the River Jadukata has become a regular happening. But hundreds of workers are doing this every day,” Kamal said.
“While I was taking photos of the illegal activities, some members of an illegal sand lifting group stopped me and snatched my camera, phone and motorcycle.”
“Next, they tortured me after tying me to a tree,” the journalist said.
Tahirpur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Padmasen Shingha said, “We have heard about the incident. The law enforcers will take action against those involved when the journalist files a case.”
“However, lifting sand from the river is illegal. The upazila administration regularly carries out a drive in the spot. But when the officials arrive, the workers run away. And they resume their illegal activity when they are gone.”
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
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