Planning Minister MA Mannan today said cottage, micro, small, and medium sized enterprises (CMSMEs) are the soul of the country’s economy.
“CMSMEs are playing a vital role in the economy of Bangladesh,” he said while speaking as the chief guest at a webinar on “CMSMES In Bangladesh: Journey, Challenges and Future Direction” for Sylhet Division as a part of its REVIVE Project, said a press release.
Chairman of PKSF Dr Kazi Kholiquzzaman was the keynote speaker while Executive Director of Innovation Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) Center and Associate Professor of the Dhaka University Organization Strategy and Leadership Department MD. Rashedur Rahman moderated the webinar.
In his speech, Mannan urged youth to work hard for contributing to the country’s development.
Kazi Kholiquzzaman advised not to muddle CMSMES altogether, rather treat each category differently since they each have unique characteristics.
Rashedur Rahman mentioned how Project REVIVE has tried its best to utilise 100 youths to know of the struggles of CMSMES from Sylhet and hoped this session would help find a way forward.
Vice-Chairman of ICE Center and Supernumerary Professor of the Dhaka University International Business Department Dr. Khondoker Bazlul Hoque presided over the event
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
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