Nineteen industrial units under six categories will receive ‘President’s Industrial Development Award-2018’ tomorrow for their outstanding contribution to the national economy.
Among the 19 industrial units, four large industries, four medium industries, three small industries, three micro industries, three cottage industries and two hi-tech industries will get the awarded.
On the occasion of the award giving ceremony, President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages, greeting all the award winners.
Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun will hand over the awards as the chief guest at a function at Sonargaon Hotel in the city while State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Mojumder and Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) President Sheikh Fazle Fahim will be present as special guests.
Industries Secretary KM Ali Azam will preside over the function.
In his messages, President M Abdul Hamid said the contribution of the private sector in job creation, export growth and diversification of export products is undeniable.
In order to increase productivity and encourage creativity in the private sector, the Ministry of Industries has been regularly awarding ‘President’s Industrial Development Award’ in various categories, he added.
He hoped that this initiative will strengthen the ongoing trend of knowledge-based industrialization and thereby will accelerate the country’s overall economy.
In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said the fourth industrial revolution is now going on all over the world and the revolution has brought massive technological changes in industrial production.
The use of artificial intelligence and robotic technology has changed the way of industrial production and increased productivity more than ever before, she added.
She said private sector entrepreneurs around the world are at the forefront of using these technologies.
The premier said based on the government’s policy support and incentives, the country’s industrial sector is being revived and the trend of knowledge-based industrialization is accelerating.
She said the ‘President’s Industrial Development Award’ is an important part of the government’s patronage and policy support.
Through this, she thought that entrepreneurs will be inspired to harness their creativity and innovation in the industry.
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
Published by the Editor from House: 41/1, Road:1, Block:A, Niketon, Gulshan-01, Dhaka:1212, Editorial Office: House-08, Road-37, Gulshan-2,Dhaka-1212
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