Like previous two consecutive sessions, country’s both the bourses, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE), on Thursday closed trading at the last session of week maintaining the gaining streak as optimistic investors continued their buying binge on large-cap issues amid optimism.
DSEX, the prime index of the DSE, went up by 9.61 points or 0.16 per cent to settle at 5,724.36. Two other indices also edged higher. The DSE 30 Index comprising blue chips rose 12.60 points to finish at 2,191.21 and the DSE Shariah Index (DSES) saw a fractional gain of 0.51 point to close at 1,280.40.
Turnover, a crucial indicator of the market, however, remained below Taka 10 billion-mark to Taka 9.41 billion on the country’s premier bourse, rising by 4.0 per cent over the previous day’s mark of Taka 9.05 billion.
Gainers took a slight lead over the losers, as out of 359 issues traded, 134 advanced, 131 declined and 94 remained unchanged on the DSE trading floor.
Beximco, the flagship company of Beximco Group that rebounded strongly with 8.14 per cent rise-topped the turnover chart with 18.43 million shares worth Taka 1.54 billion changing hands, closely followed by ROBI, Beximco Pharma, BATBC and LankaBangla Finance.
A total number of 152,545 trades were executed in the day’s trading session with a trading volume of 233.85 million shares and mutual fund units.
Market-cap of the DSE rose to Taka 4,840 billion on Thursday, from Taka 4,822 billion in the previous day.
Miracle Industries was the day’s best performer while newly listed Energypac Power Generation continued to become the worst loser for the third straight session.
The Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) also edged higher with the CSE All Share Price Index – CASPI -gaining by 86 points to settle at 16,675 and the Selective Categories Index – CSCX rising 52 points to close at 10,065.
Of the issues traded, 107 advanced, 87 declined and 60 remained unchanged on the CSE.
The port city’s bourse traded 11.25 million shares and mutual fund units with a turnover value of Taka 434 million.
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
Published by the Editor from House: 41/1, Road:1, Block:A, Niketon, Gulshan-01, Dhaka:1212, Editorial Office: House-08, Road-37, Gulshan-2,Dhaka-1212
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