BNP senior joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi returned home on Wednesday after receiving treatment for over two weeks at a private hospital for cardiac problems.
He was released from Labaid Specialized Hospital in the capital in the afternoon as his condition improved, said Prof Dr Lutfor Rahman of the hospital.
“He (Rizvi) can now receive treatment at home. He’ll have to undergo a coronary angiogram test after one and a half months,” the physician said, reports UNB.
Rizvi reached his Mohammadpur house around 4:30pm from the hospital, said his personal assistant Arifur Rahman Tushar.
On October 13, Rizvi was admitted to Labaid Hospital as he suffered a cardiac arrest.
He complained of chest pain as he got into his car after joining a human-chain programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club on that day.
Later, doctors found a block in his heart and removed it by injection.
Advisory Editor: Syed Ershad Ahmed
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